Yes, finally the big Urban Bazaar is almost here. These bazaars are probably the biggest thing that I do. They take so much preparation and coordination, but they're fun and I meet all kinds of new people. This year we're at the Dallas Farmers Market, but we have a better location. You'll see new vendors and old, plus a 2 days of live local bands. It's all free.
MAY 5-6
Tonight I am participating in the House of Dang trunk show. It should be a very groovy event and I'm pleased to share it with the Craft Gypsies. We hope to make a good impression and if so, you may see our wares in H.O.D in the future. Please come out to see me and the other designers. It's one big party.
4219 Bryan St.
Near Downtown Dallas
Check my "news" page for a map.
My latest creations are all tattoo and pin-up inspired, so if you love it then come on down and get it. I plan to work hard to build my inventory before the bazaar and I think it will all have that same theme. I've also been recently wanting to incorporate a little graffiti art into my work. So we'll see. :)
I hope to see you there. Please come by and say "Hi" at either event.
MOTHER'S DAY 25 - sainsbury's
2 days ago