It was raining and our feet were tired so we stopped at the famous Max Brenners. A large portion of their menu is made up of chocolate delights. It's really a dream come true, right? Well, I have to say we were a bit disappointed. I ordered a mexican hot chocolate that was soooooo spicy that I couldn't manage more than two sips of it. Keep in mind that I love spicy food and have a high tolerance, but it burned in a weird way. Kent did better and ordered the double chocolate, which was just that. Imagine drinking a cup of melted chocolate and there you have it.
It was raining slightly. Rain is always nice, but it's unbelievably charming in NY. I swear. More walking and then a few stops at the record shops for Kent. He was so excited to find shops full of vinyl and out of print cds. Dallas has the worst music shops, so he was in heaven. He scored a jazz CD or two, which was great. Every day we were in the city we walked at least 5miles and Monday was no exception. Our dogs were barking! I truly needed a foot transplant, but there was nothing for it and so I settled for dinner and a chance to sit down. Fortunately, in addition to being a haven for freaks, St. Mark's Place is also known to some as the JapanTown of Manhattan, so of course we were thinking sushi. We found a place called Sharaku that was not what we had hoped for, but they had chairs and that was good enough for me.
I really think that's enough action for one day, don't you? We headed for the train and our trip back to Jersey City and bed.