Also, I've listed on my News page most of the shows I'll be doing this Fall and Winter. So save the dates! I'm still waiting for confirmation about a few shows and I'll list them if I hear good news. The next big thing is The Girlie Show. I'm so exciting to be doing it this year. Last year I wasn't able to attend and afterward I heard so many amazing things from other vendors. It was a bummer, but this year I'm there and I plan to rock it. Did you know that Oklahoma City is only 3 hours from Dallas?
The Mafia... well we're working our tails off. There is so much going on behind the scenes from planning our events, managing our contacts and updating our many websites to securing advertising and creating promo materials. If we're going to take Dallas by storm, it's all necessary. We hope to add new members soon too!
My life: Oh, my back! Really. Painting and sewing are wonderful, but after 10 hours my back is yelling for help and my tush isn't exactly thanking me. Despite the conditions, I'm cruising along well and have added a couple of new glazes to my collection. Burnished Steel and Copper Adventure . They should be right on trend for this season. Woo hoo.
Well that's it for now. I'll leave you with a cute pic to make you smile! See you soon, Judy
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